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Privacy Policy 

Talents First is committed to protecting the privacy of its candidates, clients and website users. We wish to provide a safe and secure experience for users. We will ensure that the information you provide us with or which we collect through various channels (including our website, written correspondence including e-mails, conversations or meetings with our consultants) is used solely for the purposes specified in this policy.

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about the kinds of personal data we collect from candidates, the purposes for which we use the data and how they are processed. This document also allows us to comply with the transparency obligation under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and the national laws transposing the GDPR.
For the purposes of the present Privacy Policy, the data controller of the personal data is Talents First. Our contact details are set out in the “Contact” section at the end of this Privacy Policy.


Data we collect

The data we collect through this site or whenever we communicate with you are collected solely for the purpose of processing your application.

The personal data we generally collect include but are not limited to:

  • Your surname, first name, nationality, date and place of birth, postal address, telephone number (landline or mobile), e-mail address, education, degrees and qualifications (studies, training and internships), professional experience, contact details and qualifications, documents proving your identity, results of any tests and assessments carried out and any other information specified in your CV

  • If you apply for one of our vacancies through your LinkedIn or Indeed profile or other job boards: your profile data and CV

  • We carry out reference checks: In this respect, after having informed you in advance by requesting your consent, we may carry out reference checks with your former employers. The decision to carry out these checks will depend on the nature of the posts to be filled, and the prerequisites and requirements of the clients. These checks are carried out in strict compliance with the legal framework and are restricted to information that is directly related to the job offered or the professional skills involved.

These data include the information on your CV (e.g. your name, address and qualifications) as well as the information gleaned from direct communications with our agency’s staff.


Purposes for which we use your personal data

– to provide you with our services,
– to maintain our professional relationship with you, whether you are a user of our website, a client or a candidate,
– to allow you to submit your CV for general applications, for specific job applications.
– to match up your information with job vacancies, to help us find the job that best suits you and to send your personal information to customers for job applications,
– to store your information and inform you of future job opportunities other than the specific job you contacted us for,
– to respond to your enquiries,
– to fulfil contractual obligations to our customers,
– to provide personal information to regulatory or law enforcement agencies, when we are requested or authorised to do so.


Disclosure of your personal data

As part of the recruitment process, we may share your personal data with third parties. In such cases, we will put in place all necessary steps to observe the confidentiality of your personal data and that they are used solely for the purpose of managing your recruitment.


Equal opportunities and discrimination

Our clients are companies that stand by the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. This means that all candidates will be treated equally and that we will not discriminate on the basis of sex, marital status, race, origin, colour, nationality, origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.
We ask our candidates not to communicate any personal information that is not related to their professional background or skills. We work in accordance with the ethical rules of the recruitment sector as well as in compliance with the statutory provisions on data processing to prevent the risk of discrimination.


Data retention duration

In compliance with applicable legislation, your application may be kept on record for up to 2 years after the last contact.

Each application registered on our site is kept for a period of twelve months following the last registration or amendment thereof by you.

Data relating to client companies are kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, plus 2 years for the purposes of promotion and prospecting, without prejudice to the legal retention obligations or limitation periods.


Amendments to our privacy policy

The present Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, including to include legal, regulatory, technical and operational changes. Where we amend our Privacy Policy in the future, we will notify you of significant changes or updates thereto.

In such cases we will put in place appropriate steps to inform you of these changes and to highlight them so that you can continue to use this site with confidence.



Your personal data are hosted on secure servers. We make every effort to ensure they are duly protected. However, as the internet is an open system, Talents First is unable to offer assurances as to the security of the information you send us over the internet. As such, we waive all and any liability for any illegitimate or fraudulent use by an unauthorised third party.


User rights

In application of Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and communicate your data and to have your personal data rectified or erased. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us by e-mail at or by letter sent to: Talents First 3 rue de Phalsbourg 67000 Strasbourg – France

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